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To protect the household premises and commercial areas from the damages of insects and germs we provide disinfestations services. By using quality approved chemicals and pesticides we offer prevention and protection from the damages and contamination of harmful insects and germs. 

These services are basically undertaken by spraying the liquid chemicals around the surroundings to protect the whole area with no risk of harm of chemicals to human life.

Treatment against crawling insect pests such as German cockroaches (Blatella germanica),American cockroaches (Blatella Americana), Silver fish, Red and Black ants.

Totally odorless pesticides and combinations of gel based baits used.

Latest IPM techniques are adopted for effective control of Cockroaches, Bedbugs, Ants, Spiders, Centipedes, Millipedes, Snails, Slugs etc.

This treatment is eco-friendly and does not have any harm on the members as well as the beneficiaries.

Fipronil Gel Treatment – No need to empty cupboards.

Other Services

Fly Management

Flies are a nuisance primarily in offices and other commercial spaces with a bad sanitary environment. Flies breed in any decaying, rotting organic matter.

Rodent Management

Treatment against Rats, Mice and Bandicoots.

Vector Management

Newer biological larvacides and pesticides are employed to combat the pests.

Anti-Termite Management

To protect the household premises and commercial areas from the damages of insects and germs we provide disinfestations services

Specialized Treatment

Perfect Pest Control provides Powder Post Beetle treatment,Spider control treatment, Lizard (Gecko) Control & Weed Control.


Home Cleaning Services.Safe Shampooing Services.Kitchen & Application Cleaning.Bathroom Cleaning Services.