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Post-Construction Termite Management

Steps in Post-Construction Antitermite Treatment

If there is loose soil around the walls of your building, we dig a shovel width trench close to the external wall of the building exposing the foundation wall surface upto a depth of 50cm.

If there exists a concrete cover or masonry apron around the walls of your building, holes are drilled as close as possible to the plinth wall about 300mm (1ft) apart from each other.

If your building is on pillars, the holes are drilled around the pillars and insecticide poured into the soil.

Further, on all floors, wood work like doors and windows, which are highly susceptible to termite attack are also protected by treatment.

Spot treatment of spraying on infested areas in the walls and ceiling is also carried out.

Other Services


To protect the household premises and commercial areas from the damages of insects and germs we provide disinfestations services

Fly Management

Flies are a nuisance primarily in offices and other commercial spaces with a bad sanitary environment. Flies breed in any decaying, rotting organic matter.

Rodent Management

Treatment against Rats, Mice and Bandicoots.

Vector Management

Newer biological larvacides and pesticides are employed to combat the pests.

Specialized Treatment

To protect the household premises and commercial areas from the damages of insects and germs we provide disinfestations services

Pre-Construction Termite Management

The treatment of wall and floor junctions is done to ensure continuity in the vertical chemical barrier.